Pesticides literally means killer pest. No. According to the government. 1973, the pesticide is any chemical substance or substances Other and micro-organisms and viruses used for: control or prevent pests or diseases that destroyed plants, parts of plants or agricultural products; controlling weeds regulate and stimulate the desired growth no control or prevent foreign pests on pets or livestock. control water pests control or prevent the animals that can cause disease in humans and animals that need to be protected, with use in plants, soil and water.
From the above restriction is evident that very broad definition of pesticides, which includes products used in the field of agriculture, forestry, plantation, animal husbandry / animal health, fisheries, and public health. Pesticides used in agriculture specific in often called plant protection products to distinguish them from products that are used in other fields.
The term is also used in plant protection products unbtuk avoid the connotation of the term pesticide killer material. It's reality, not all agricultural pesticide works by killing. Repellant, for example, do not kill but repel pests.
Method of pesticide application in agriculture In agriculture, pesticides are applied in various ways. Ways of applying pesticides are as follows:
spraying (spraying)
spraying (spraying) is an agricultural pesticide spraying of the most widely used by farmers. An estimated 75% of pesticide use is done by spraying, spraying both on land and peyemprotan in the air. In spraying, pesticides laruta broken down by Nozzle or atomizer contained in a squirt gun into seprot granules or droplets. Dosage forms of pesticides that are applied by spraying include WP, EC, EW, WSC, SP, FW and WDG. Sedagnkan for ultra low volume spraying with ULV formulation used. Penyemprota techniques include jhiga pegkabutan.
fumigation (fogging) is the spraying of pesticides with an ultra low volume using a very fine droplet size. Differences with spraying in the normal way is to mix pesticide fogging da solvent (um, umnya miyak) is heated so that it becomes a kind of abut a very smooth smoke. Fogging a lot done to control pests warehouse, pest and plantations of disease vector control in the environment (mosquito control dengue fever, malaria, etc.)
peaburan pesticide granules (Granule distribution, broadcasting)
sowing pesticide granules are sowing pesticide in the form of granules that be an special way to apply pesticides in the form of granules (granule). Sowing can be done with the tanga or with sowing machines.
Seed treatment (seed dressing, seed treatment, seed coating)
Seed treatment is a way of protecting utuk pesticide application before the seed is planted for seed germination and young plants are not attacked by pests and diseases. Pesticide formulations used are SD and ST. Dyeing (Dipping)
Immersion is peggunaan utuk protect pesticide plant material (seedlings, grafts, cuttings) to avoid pests and diseases that may be borne by the plant material. Dyeing is done by dipping cuttings into tau seeds pesticides.
Fumigation (Fumigation)
Fumigation is the application of fumigant pesticides, either they are in, liquid or gas in an enclosed space. General Fumigation is used to protect crops (grain Mass) of pest damage or peyakit in storage. Fumigant incorporated into the next room warehouse that will form toxic gases weeks to kill the target pest yag is in the room.
Injection (Injection)
Injection is the use of pesticides by means inserted into the stems of plants, both with special equipment or premises member of the plant stem. Pesticides are required diineksikan will spread to all parts of plants through plant fluid flow, so that the target pest will be controlled. Ineksi technique is also used utuk soil sterilization.
watering (Drenching, pouring On)
watering is the use of pesticides by plant roots is poured in sekitara weeks to control pests or diseases in the root zone, or poured on the nests of ants, etc..

Pesticide formulations Application of pesticides in the field kaitannyua closely with the form of pesticide formulations such digunaka. Formulation is a mixture of active ingredients and specific additional ingredients for pesticides can be effective, efficient and economical. Therefore, in the trade of pesticide active ingredients are formulated in advance with the mixed auxiliary materials, such as solvent (solvent), emulsifiers (emulsion-making material), diluent (wetting material and diluent) carrier (carrier material) and sometimes synergist (material for improve the effectiveness of pesticides).
The forms of the pesticide formulation, among others: a. Liquid Form EC (Emulsifiable Cocentrate or Emulsible Cocentrate) Dosage form of concentrates (concentrate) liquid dengankonsentrasi aktifd material that is high enough. This concentration when mixed with water to form emilsi (liquid fine grain that floated in other liquid media). EC is generally used by spraying, although it can also be used in other ways.
2. Soluble Concentrate in water (WSC) or Water Soluble Concentrate (WSC) This formulation is similar to the EC, but if DeCamp [ur tidsak water emulsion form, but form a homogeneous solution. Generally, these preparations are used by way of spraying.
aeous Solution (U.S.) or Aquaous Concentrate (AC) This concentrates diarutkan in water. Persisida formulated in the U.S. and the AC is generally shaped salt pesticides that have high solubility in water. Pesticides are also dighunakan by spraying.
Soluble (SL) These liquid concentrates when mixed with water will form a solution. Pesticides are used by way of spraying. SL can also refer to the slurry formulation.
Flowable (F) or this Flowabel Water (FW) This formulation of liquid concentration yangs discussion is concentrated. When mixed with water, F or FW would form emilsi like WP. Basically WP FW is moistened.
Ultra Low Volume (ULV) Special preparations for spraying with ultra-low volume, ie volume of spray between 1 to 5 liters / hectare. ULV is generally a sdiaan ready to use, without having to be mixed with water.
b The preparation of solid
Wettable Powder (WP) WP formulations with EC is a classic formulation dingga still widely used today. WP is a powder formulation which when mixed with water will form a suspension of its use by spraying.
Soluble powder (S or SP) Formulation of the usual flour mixed with water will produce a homogeneous solution. Pesticides are also sprayed digunakand be conscious manner.
Granules (G) Pellets are generally a sedian ready to use with low konsetrasi. Pesticide granules used in a way sown in lapagan (either manually by hand or with machine sowing) after sowing can be followed premises pegolahan atai not land. Besides the formulation of G is also known SG formulation, ie, granular sand.
Water Dipersible Granule (WG or WDG) WDG or WG-shaped grains, like G, but its use is very different. WDG formulation must be diluted in water and premises used by way of spraying.
Seed dreesing (SD) or Seed Treatment (ST) Dosage form of a special flour used for seed treatment
Tepug blow or Dust (D) Preparations ready for use with low concentrations used in a way exhaled.
bait or stanza (B) Ready Mix Temple (RB or RMB) bait is a ready-made formulations are generally used for formulation of rodenticides.
In the election form must diseduaikan formuasi pesticides to land or the part which we will apply. If we are going to apply pesticides directly on agricultural land we can use EC formulation is applied with or SCW dissolved in water with a certain dose and spray volume. But if we want to apply pesticides on crops for seed or not affected by pests and diseases we can use SD or DT formulation.

date Kamis, 11 November 2010

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