1. Cricket and Pandan Leaves
Jik at the field / garden lot of rats, then the guard crickets by entering into the bamboo. The sound was deafening crickets to rats at a time away.
It can also be spread fragrant pandan leaves to repel mice because the smell of pandan leaves unwelcome rodents.
2. Abu Kitchen and Leaf Pinang
To eradicate the pest leafhoppers, grasshoppers, etc., in the garden / field, take the ashes of the kitchen and mix in water (one quart ash dicamur two liters of water) and then stirred with an old betel leaf, then sprinkle the plant.
3. Red Ants and animal bones
Eradicate Pest young plants such as chili, tomatoes, yellow beans etc. by binding to bone or skin of the animals are wet (new) on a piece of twig and then plug in an almost near flowering plants, then scatter the red ant (now-now) then the red ants will eating pests while cleaning the bridge and plant leaves. The function of bone and skin just to attract or create a home of ants. If the harvest, spray water on the plants so the ants will come together in the nest so that harvest can be done.
For older plants, such as jackfruit, mango, etc. The animal bones or skins pretty tied up near a tree and connect with a rope then the ants soon gathered at the bones and the harvest can begin.
4. Worms For Soil Menggemburkan
In order to become fertile plants, plant in loose soil by entering a worm into the soil. Before the worms cultivated land must be drenched with water to repel ants if you're around and in the land. Watering the soil is also intended to ease the worm nest (liangnya) in the soil.
Kamis, 11 November 2010
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26 Maret 2016 pukul 01.51